FROM unread
- And where at the edge of the eye? - Wail zoki, jumping around Bada.
- And the eye is boundless? - Put the Mi-ods.
Bud instructed to have horns, and they calmed down.
- A "so much" is a lot or a little? - Asked quietly Meads, glancing at the horn.
- Много - буркнул Бада.
- I want "as" honey! - Hopped mu-ods
- I "so much as" honey! - Interrupted Miodov.
- All the same, more than it is, honey will not be! - Interrupted their Bud and everyone agreed with him.
At the word "is" zoki obleznulis and remembering the last Passover supper of honey and honey tea with honey, lay down to sleep.
"Before the honey - it's very close," thought portation Mi-ods.
- Bud will not give honey to dinner. - As if, reading his thoughts Meads said.
- A snack on the MEDA DASTO? - I-sprosil Odov.
- Come on demand. Bud, Badochka, Give us of dinner to mёda! - Zoky wept.
- And what are you going to dinner? - Asked Bad.
Zoky looked at:
- Honey.
- Three stars, it's probably too tasty - dreaming Mu-ods.
- Why? - Asked Bud.
- It's like the word "Honey" - also three letters.
- And if the "sweet-presladky honey"?
In Mu-ods eyes widened. A Medoff concluded:
- The more letters in honey, the better.
And all agreed, and Bud quietly went to check stocks of honey ...
Today Bada in a bad mood. He woke up very late,
do not put those horns and not washed. When he came out of the bedroom, zoki,
Tuck into honey, stared at him and slowly slid Meads under the table.
- Badochka, something happened to you?
Bud looked sternly at zokov and went into the street, find out if the rain at night.
- Bud flew again at night. - Whispered Mi-ods.
- I guess he did not sleep all night - said Mu-ods.
- Maybe he has not got honey? - Peeping out from under the table suggested Meads.
Zoki posprygivali with chairs and capturing each his plate with honey, ran to the Bad to the street.
- Bud, Bud, we brought you honey! - They shouted excitedly.
Bud smiled and went back into the house. A minute later he was on the verge washed, with the right horns and smiled.
- Here's how honey can fix Bad mood - concluded zoki, licking their plates.
Today zokov was a big meeting. They discussed how to make so that Bada was a good mood in the morning.
- Bud often flies in a dream - began portation Mi-ods. - But is not there ... or a little, then he has to go back ...
- A need to improve mood honey - continued Meads.
- So close to the bed should always be kept at the ready and waiting for dressings,
when Bud arrive from sleep. And in their hands, keep a large spoon. And honey
next to the kegs - finished Mi-ods.
- And so every night? - Asked Mu-ods.
- Yes. Organize the vigil. I'll go first. - Said the Mi-ods.
Late at night, when Bud was asleep zoki produced the greatest
spoon, set next to the bed with a barrel of honey and Mi-ods remained
on duty.
However, others remained on duty zoki - they did not agree to leave the Mi-ods alone with honey.
Toward morning, when a barrel of honey had just one big spoon, Bud started to wake up.
First, he opened one eye. It was his habit - wake up gradually.
Seeing the Zocalo with a large spoon in his stomach, he closed his eyes tightly. "Had a dream after all ..." - He thought.
Slowly, he opened the other eye. Zok has not disappeared.
Then Bud again closed his eyes and decided to count to ten.
The number "seven" he felt in his mouth he shoved the spoon. Leaping from
eyes closed, he ran out of the room, but ran into a door jamb.
An hour later, everyone was sitting at the table and laughed. Zoki, looking at the lump Bada, felt uncomfortable.
They do not know that this night Bud did not fly.
It was morning. Bud was still asleep, and zoki were preparing breakfast. Suddenly, the house went hedgehog.
- Hello, my name is VI. I brought the daily routine. Sign here. -
With these words, hedgehog put on the table a folder with papers, and snorting out.
Ochuhavshis, Medoff plate to raise the fallen and closed the mouth of Mi-ods.
Zoki began to study the paper.
Woke Bad. He went to the bathroom, immediately noticing that the house is very quiet.
- Bud! Badochka! - Cried zoky, perepuhav Badu to death.
- You're not important to be afraid of death, we were stopped by a hedgehog VI and brought the once-vapor-i-docking of the day.
- Do not pay any attention to him - said Bud. - He walks through the woods, snorts and invites all to sign the order of the day.
- Let's sign! - Happily bouncing, yelled Mu-ods.
Before he could finish the second jump, like a slap Bada threw him to the
wall. He was not offended because he was the easiest and most fun
of all zokov.
- Will not sign anything. - Bud snapped. - First of all, we do not know how to read, and secondly there is nothing to sign.
- But we have feet, then there is you sign! - Said the Mi-ods
- Then we will wait for the wee hedgehog, he told us to read what is written here. - Bud finished.
Everyone agreed with him, and began to prepare for breakfast. And who had been silent all this time portation Me-ods, was finishing his third bowl of honey.
When I came hedgehog VI, all sat on the bed and waited for him in the middle of Bud and around zoki.
Snorting, WI flipped through the paper, knitting his nose in the fact that all the sheets were in the honey.
- How? You do not sign? - He asked, disappointed.
- We do not know how to read. - Bada said. - Can you read us?
Hedgehog VI as if waiting for this. Perched on the highest chair, he began to read from the first sheet:
- And finally, you agree ...
- STOP! - Almost in unison shouted zoki. - The conclusion was, and began nebilo.
- And it is true. - Again, frowning muttered Hedgehog VI. - Yes, you told me all mixed up sheets!
- Yes, we have them at first confused with napkins, but Badochka noticed in time, and I did not have time to wipe paws - resentfully said Mi-ods.
- And then, once we have them mixed up with napkins, and was almost thrown away. - Meads said.
- I wonder how you get them not mixed with honey and eaten! - Puffed VI.
- We have tried - not tasty. Your once-vapor-i-docking of the day you can eat when he smeared with honey. - Offended Mu-ods.
Hedgehog again counted the sheets, and making sure that the two pages are missing, snorting displeasure, went into the forest.
Zoki sat and looked at the Mu-ods.
- Why did not you say that you can eat them, smearing honey? - Muttered Me-ods.
- And in my opinion, all you can eat, smearing honey. - Said Mu-ods.
To argue with him no one, especially since it was lunch time, and everyone wanted
have. Only in Mu-ods unexpected stomach ache and he went to be treated.
In the pantry. Honey.
portation today gone Mi-ods, and all ran and looked for him. And he just
went to look at the moon. He really wanted to get there as Bad.
- He was found, do you know why?
- On just mёda zahotel
- Went to honey
- And met all
- Looking for his honey
- The truth, afraid that others will find other people zokov
- But nothing happened :)
Bud was drunk today
And all were amazed zoki
"Why broke the sofa?"
And all ran, grimacing
Ну а Бада - вот балда
Who would know, oh who knows ...
Together with the horn, as always
He lost his head.
And Bad Do not give rest
Zoki, and flight without CNA
Night, love, surf of the sea
And Spring ... Spring ... Spring ...
The weather was sunny. After breakfast, Bud stayed clean for zokami and
zoki went to the lake to look again at Pumbriyu.
- Why is it always silent? - Asked the Mi-ods zokov the rest, as they walked.
- Maybe she just did not talk about? - Suggested Me-ods.
A Meads said:
- I Pumbrii something in your mouth is, and prevents her from speaking.
And, because he was the most intelligent among zokov, everyone agreed with him.
The first ran from Lake Mu-ods and began to shout:
- Pumbriya! Pumbriya! We came to talk to you!
- We came without it, - said the Me-ods.
- Pumbriya! Pumbriya! We came to talk without you! - Shouted zoki.
Then solo kidali palochki and kameshki c Ozer. Then prыgali pleskalisь another village and others.
When zoki call Pumbriyu tired, we decided to eat.
- Oddly, when we left the house, each had a jar full of honey, and now they are empty - upset Mi-ods.
- Empty jars of honey, it's not tasty - said Mu-ods. - Let's go home and fill them up and then come again to call Pumbriyu!
All agreed, and after a few seconds raced home.
A Pumbriya leaned out of the water and looked sadly at the empty jars of honey, forgotten zokami.
- And let's build another house next to the house Bada especially for us. - Once said Meads.
- Yes! It will not lock on the pantry! Because the storage is not. - Glad Mi-ods.
Bud woke up one day in total silence. I woke up from that is not the morning sun was shining in his eyes.
- It is strange - he thought. - In apparently breakfast time already
ended, and zokov not visible and that the strange thing is not heard ...
Before you wash, Bud turned the whole house in search of zokov.
Having washed and combed it out into the yard.
And then he understood.
He woke up in a different place.
In another house.
On another planet.
And on this planet nebilo no Zocalo ...
"What a nightmare," thought Bad. He lay and watched his stomach, holding a large spoon, slept portation Mi-ods.
The other zoki were close by. They, too, were sleeping. Foot Mu-ods was
half-empty jar of honey, the other holding his paw and this peacefully
All this time, Bud was sick.
Zoki looking forward to it vozdorovleniya and almost touching their honey.
With the exception of fifty two empty cans that were lying under the bed.